Most customers start thinking about home heating is when the weather gets cold, or when snowflakes start falling. Here at Blue Ridge Propane, we run a route system, and are in certain parts of the county during certain weeks of the month. We have your propane tank sized to the BTU of each propane appliance in your home, so we know that your tank of propane will last until the next time we are in your area. Just because it is snowing doesn’t mean you need a delivery. Most neighborhoods do a good job keeping roads clear, however, it is your responsibility to keep your driveway clear so that a propane truck can get to your tank. If you live in a steep place, or one that is prone to not melt quickly after snowstorms, we are aware of your situation. We try to deliver when roads are most passable as to not cause damage to personal property, or put our drivers in danger. Please keep in mind when you call to request a delivery, that you need to let the customer service representative know what your road conditions are. Please remember to be courteous when making your request, as we usually deal with very high call volume during cold and snowy weather. We appreciate your business!